15-16 Julio Training of the Mac-Paps continues to intensify

July 15-16
Robert Merriman’s diary for July 15 and 16th, 1937

For nearly the complete next month, Merriman will be leading the training in Tarazona of the Mac-Paps.   Many of these posts are technical describing the maneuvers of the day and whether they are successful or not.  The reader can follow this technical training and we will continue to focus on calling out the names of Brigadistas as they arise in the diary.

On the 15th of July, the exercise involved scouting and Jack Mullinger was the Mac-Pap chief of scouts.  The maneuver was not particularly successful and Merriman says that William Harris Cantor fell out and was assigned to the kitchen, probably for KP duty.  Merriman was non-plussed by the maneuvers but Bob Thompson was less forgiving.   The story on 15-16 July was very similar to the story on the 5th of July.

Overnight, Merriman checked up on the troops and found no guards and Mullinger sleeping on the job.  More embarrassing was the injury of Rubin (Ruby) Kaufman who shot himself in the foot while cleaning his gun.

Merriman runs out of room on the page and starts abbreviating names.   It is clear that Lucien Vidal came out from Albacete to review that battalion and had to hunt them down in the field.  In a fold of the page in the diary, it appears that Ed Bender also came out from Headquarters.   Ron Liversedge who stepped back as commander of the Mac-Paps apparently was selected by Ernie Amatniek to work in Transmissions.

Merriman again mentions Fein who we have interpreted variously as Arturo Fine.  But he continues to spell his name Fein and so another International is indicated as being a Headquarters person from Madrid.

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